
Publié le 19 July 2023

Digital accessibility

An accessible website is one that allows all Internet users to access its content without difficulty, including people with disabilities who use specialised software or hardware.

The Commissariat général au développement durable pays particular attention to the quality of its websites.

It is committed to complying with the RGAA (Référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité) and the référentiel des bonnes pratiques Opquast.

Declaration of conformity RGAA

The declaration of conformity is currently being drawn up. It will be published as soon as possible.

Right to compensation and contact

It is important to remember that under article 11 of the February 2005 law, disabled people have the right to compensation for the consequences of their disability, whatever the origin and nature of their impairment, their age or their lifestyle.

As a result, each organisation is obliged to take the necessary steps to provide access, within a reasonable time, to the information and functionalities sought by disabled people, whether or not the content is subject to an exemption.

You can therefore obtain an accessible version of the documents or information contained therein by sending a message via our contact form indicating the name of the document concerned and/or the information you would like to obtain.

The information requested will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Défenseur des droits

If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any content or functionality of the site, and you report this to us and are unable to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or your request for a referral to :
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07
Téléphone : 09 69 39 00 00

Contact the Rights Defender using the online form