Energy Observer, the boat ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals

Published on 19 July 2023

Energy Observer is the first hydrogen-powered ship to circumnavigate the globe, completing a 6-year, 50-country, 101-stop expedition with zero greenhouse gas emissions and no fine-particle emissions. Its Odyssey for the Future aims to educate, raise awareness and detect innovative solutions for the ecological transition. This mission, led by Victorien Erussard, founder and captain, and Jérôme Delafosse, expedition leader, has made him France’s first ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals, and he is proud to be leading it to the four corners of the globe.

The first round-the-world hydrogen ship

Energy Observer is the first hydrogen-powered, zero-emission vessel, initiated and developed by Victorien Erussard and a team of engineers and sailors. This electrically-powered vessel of the future runs on a mix of renewable energies and a decarbonized hydrogen production system, via seawater electrolysis: a world first.

Photo montrant la technologie à hydrogène du bateau Energy observer
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A veritable laboratory, this floating smart grid tests an innovative energy architecture in extreme conditions, prefiguring the energy networks of the future. So that tomorrow, our homes, buildings and cities become the links in an intelligent, positive-energy network.

ZERO greenhouse gas emissions - ZERO fine particles - ZERO noise

Le bateau à hydrogène Energy observer
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L’Odyssée for the futur

The Energy Observer adventure is also a historic Odyssey to meet the pioneers who are innovating to save the planet, by reinventing agriculture, energy, the economy, mobility, agro-ecology, etc., and finding solutions to protect biodiversity. More than just a ship, Energy Observer’s ambition is to become a medium designed to bring this incredible adventure to life for the general public from the inside, and to educate and raise awareness of the ecological transition.

6 years - 50 countries - 101 stopovers

These encounters are filmed by expedition leader Jérôme Delafosse and his team, to be told through a documentary series currently in production, but also a web series on sustainable and innovative solutions to illustrate the implementation of the SDGs, around the world.

Plongée sous-marine et Energy Observer
Crédits : Guilhem Banc-Prandi Agrandir la figure 183
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France’s first ambassador for the SDGs

As France’s first SDO ambassador, the mission of Victorien Erussard and the Energy Observer crew is twofold: to promote France’s commitment to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through the production of documentary and educational content, as well as the free, interactive Energy Observer roving village deployed at the main ports of call. But also, to detect and meet pioneers and concrete solutions in the field, all over the world, who are implementing these SDGs, in order to inspire as many people as possible. Thanks to a web series produced with the support of the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, this content will be made available to as many people as possible, to prove that the ecological transition is not only possible, but above all already underway, and to raise a community beyond borders, committed to a planet of solidarity.

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Energy Observer has received the patronage of the French President. The mission is also supported by the European Commission, Unesco and the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), as well as numerous public and private players.

Photo dans le chapiteau d'Energy observer
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