Associations, researchers, citizens, local authorities, companies, the State, trade unions - each has a place and a role to play in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. After an awareness-raising phase, each of these actors generally has an appropriation phase during which they revisit their existing projects through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and verify that their action is useful for certain SDGs; in a second phase, their action program may be modified to strengthen their contribution to the achievement of a broader set of SDGs, beyond their core business.
The State
Coordinating the implementation of the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Delegation coordinates the national implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in France, in close cooperation with all ministries, and in particular with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for the international component.
In order to ensure the transversality and coherence of France’s action plan, an interministerial steering committee has been set up, which meets approximately every two months.
Lead and partner ministries have been identified for each SDG. The lead ministries are responsible for setting up project groups to ensure the operational implementation of the SDG they lead, while involving other relevant ministries and key stakeholders. These leaders are also in charge of conducting public policy reviews and gap-analysis.
In addition, the Senior Officials for Sustainable Development, present in each ministry, constitute a network on which the Delegation for Sustainable Development can rely to implement the coordination of public action.
The implementation of the 2030 Agenda implies the mobilization of the entire government and all French public policies must contribute to achieving these goals.

Raising awareness to involve citizens in the process
It is essential to communicate on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage people to contribute to them by explaining the opportunities they represent. With this in mind, the government has organised or supported a number of initiatives to raise awareness and promote the SDGs, such as communication campaigns organised by various ministries, both internally and aimed at the general public, in particular as part of the European Week for Sustainable Development.
In addition, a communication strategy dedicated exclusively to the Agenda 2030 in France is currently being discussed with the main players committed to the SDGs. Its priority is to raise awareness of the SDGs among as many people as possible by taking part in national events.
A monthly newsletter, "ODDyssée vers 2030", aims to share news about the Sustainable Development Goals around the world, in Europe and in France.
To go further...
An online training course or "MOOC" on the Sustainable Development Goals, to understand and analyse the challenges of the SDGs is offered by the Université virtuelle environnement et développement durable (UVED). This hybrid course, which teaches the basic principles (context and general ideas), concepts (relationships between the SDGs, etc.) and implementation information (contributions of the various players) is aimed at different audiences in order to raise awareness among as many people as possible, whatever their level of knowledge or commitment to sustainable development, but also to provide training to help players and citizens take the 17 goals into account in their activities.
FUN MOOC : Sustainable Development Goals. A MOOC to help you understand the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 by all the Member States of the United Nations..
In the same spirit of citizen mobilisation, communication tools such as booklets and educational kits are being set up for various audiences.
To go further... Communication tools for the Sustainable Development Goals (kits, booklets, guides, etc
For any organisation or individual wishing to raise awareness of the Agenda 2030 and integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into an Action (project, policy, etc.), tools exist, and respond to the different levels of appropriation of the Agenda 2030!
To go further...The SDGs at your fingertips with the SDG toolkit
Non-state actors
Committed stakeholders
Local stakeholders, associations, research ...
The Agenda 2030 represents a new opportunity for the development of sustainable territorial projects: a universal frame of reference to better highlight local actions and cooperate with other territories, a common language to encourage partnerships between players and raise awareness among citizens, a global approach that gives more meaning to the actions undertaken.
Through a wide range of grassroots actions, projects, experiments and educational initiatives linked to the challenges of sustainable development and carried out in partnership with other stakeholders, the voluntary movement is also helping to familiarise citizens and stakeholders with the challenges of the Agenda 2030 and to get them moving.
Other players are using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an object of study in order to find solutions to make their actions more innovative, responsible and sustainable. This is particularly true of the various players involved in research (research institutes, think tanks, etc.).
To go further...
- A bibliography on "territories and the SDGs » (guide, report, etc.)
- A bibliography on "associations, research and the SDGs » (guide, report, etc.)
Companies of all sizes are being encouraged to align their strategy and governance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular by focusing on their core business, rethinking their business model and developing their social responsibility. The 2030 Agenda gives companies the opportunity to reconsider their strategy in an integrated way in the face of sustainable development challenges, in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered and anticipate societal risks. The SDGs promote the creation of shared value for the benefit of all stakeholders. They therefore provide a strategic framework for action, dialogue and monitoring with a view to sustainable development, which is useful for companies both at home and abroad.
To go further... A bibliography on "business and the SDGs" (guide, report, etc)
A few examples of initiatives
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Numerous initiatives by players - local authorities, associations, businesses, research, etc.
A network of intermediaries
France relies on so-called "relay" actors, who carry out projects or initiatives that are a reference and respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order to make the 17 goals accessible and concrete for as many people as possible. It establishes partnerships with them to promote the dissemination of the Agenda 2030 culture.
Victorien Erussard, French ambassador for the SDGs
The first boat for the Sustainable Development Goals
Energy Observer is the first electric vessel powered by renewable energies and hydrogen. It’s a boat that emits no greenhouse gases or fine particles, and that travels the oceans drawing its energy from nature without damaging it.
This challenge, both human and technological, is being led by Victorien Erussard, Jérôme Delafosse and a passionate crew, determined to prove that a cleaner future is possible and to promote innovative and effective solutions for the energy transition by travelling the world. During the many stopovers, he and his team will be documenting inspiring local sustainable projects that are helping to achieve the SDGs.
To go further ...
Energy Observer initiative
Elyx as virtual ambassador for the SDGs
The character Elyx has been appointed the first virtual ambassador - neither male nor female, neither white nor black and ageless - to the United Nations.
Used in actions to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, it is part of this ambition for inclusion and broad mobilisation. Although Elyx is universal and has no nationality, its creator - YAK for Yacine Ait Kaci - is French, and remains very active in France, particularly on social networks.
In this way, Elyx is helping to spread the culture of the SDGs across the country, embedding itself in all types of environment, taking part in all communications surrounding climate summits, collaborating with international bodies (UN, UNESCO, etc.) and so on.
To go further ...
Elyx and its designer YAK
To go further ...
- Bibliography of various reports and articles on mobilising civil society
- Tools for integrating the Agenda 2030 into projects